India, Loss and Damage and COP27


India, Loss and Damage and COP27

03 November 2022 – by ETA Editorial

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In this episode of Energy Insights, we speak with Ulka Kelkar. Ulka is the Director of the Climate Program at the World Resources Institute India.
By training, she is an economist with two decades of experience in climate change research. Currently, Ulka is leading the World Resources Institute’s work on climate policy that supports India’s low-carbon goals across policy and markets within states and cities.

Previously, Ulka worked in climate change at the Asian Development Bank and has been involved in projects with several organisations that have worked on issues across India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. Her research has also appeared in journals such as the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Global Environmental Change and Climate Policy, and Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.

Today we discussed several topics that revolved around India and South Asia’s climate change impacts, fossil fuels, India’s renewable energy progress, India’s place amongst growing calls for loss and damage payments, climate adaptation finance and the outlook for COP27 competing with other global issues like energy security, inflation and the like.

Twitter: @UlkaKelkar
Web: World Resources Institute | Ulka Kelkar

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