
Potential of Renewable Energy in Japan

Japan's road towards renewable energy dominance in the country's mix won't be smooth, it is feasible and will unlock several energy investment opportunities.

Asia’s Net-zero Transition Outlook 2050: Opportunities and Challenges

Accelerating the net-zero transition across Asia would ensure improved energy security and various economic gains, including cheaper energy, reduced fossil fuel subsidies, green jobs, reduced climate change costs and more. 

Climate Action 100+ Net-Zero Company Benchmark: Sufficient Progress But a Lack of Real Action

While companies have shown significant progress in terms of net-zero commitments, experts say they still fall short of achieving actual results.

Asia’s Race to Net-Zero by 2030

Achieving net-zero is the world's top priority. So far, Asia lags behind in its effort to go carbon-neutral. Renewable energy is the key.

Debunking Net-Zero in Asia: Is It Even Possible?

Net-zero by 2050 in Asia is the desirable scenario, but, judging by the current progress,...

Net-Zero by 2050: Humanity’s Best Bet Against Climate Change

Net-zero has become the rallying cry for the fight against climate change. It represents a viable target that scientists agree is necessary if the world is to avoid the most dramatic impacts of climate change. The idea of net-zero is often oversimplified, but in reality, it has many nuances and can be challenging to achieve.

Carbon Neutral vs Net Zero: What’s the Difference?

It is essential for companies to properly use the terms "net-zero" and "carbon-neutral" when communicating terms. What is even more important, however, is to follow up on their commitments.

Net-Zero Energy Buildings: A Stepping Stone to Decarbonisation

Net-zero energy buildings are gaining traction in global markets. Using a combination of sustainable design principles and smart technologies, they limit emissions and offset unavoidable CO2 production. Their large scale implementation is a viable way to achieve net-zero goals.

The Environmental Impact of the Fashion Industry and the Need for Change

The fashion industry is the third-largest manufacturing sector in the world and fourth most emitting industry after energy, transport, and food. Ignoring its environmental impact will be costly.

Net-Zero Companies: Vague Pledges Lead to Greenwashing

There is growing demand for companies to focus on their climate impacts. Many businesses are vocalising their climate pledges and net-zero goals. Yet, a lack of oversight and verification allows some of them to slip through the cracks - committing to public goals but failing to act on them.

Net-Zero Accountability and Its Critical Importance for Our Future

The lack of accountability has turned many net-zero pledges into PR tools. If this practice continues it will erode reputations and hinder financial outlooks and challenge action on climate change

The Global LNG Market and Long-Term Contracts – A Barrier to Net-Zero 2050

Asian countries are becoming victims of the lack of flexibility in long-term gas contracts. However, the associated energy security risk, volatile prices and supply/demand imbalances don't top the agenda of the primary concerns. The incompatibility of gas with the global net-zero efforts does.

The Role of Coal in China’s Path to Net-Zero Emissions

China has publicly made their target to be net-zero emissions by 2060. In support of this goal, they have made significant strides in increasing their renewable energy capacity. Yet, at the same time, coal consumption has continued to rise. Without reducing coal consumption, achieving a net-zero economy is nearly impossible.

COP26: How Lack of Climate Finance Derails Coal Phase-out Agenda

The chaos around the last-minute change in the coal declaration by India, China and South Africa at COP26 has certainly made it harder to reach the 1.5-degree target. At the Glasgow UN climate summit, nations pledged to phase-out coal, reduce methane, end deforestation and support the energy transition, etc. With the USD 100 billion pledge of climate finance still not being fulfilled, small and developing countries called for climate justice. Many nations now plan to revisit their commitment by the end of 2022.

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