Is Tripling Renewable Capacity Possible? – Podcast


Is Tripling Renewable Capacity Possible? – Podcast

Energy Insights speaks with Liming Qiao, the Asia Director at the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) about tripling renewable energy capacity.

17 May 2024 – by ETA Editorial   Comments (2)

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Energy Insights speaks with Liming Qiao, the Asia Director at the Global Wind Energy Council. 

Our conversation with Liming Qiao delves into a range of crucial topics. We explore the ambitious goal of tripling renewable energy capacity, the potential supply chain challenges for renewable rollouts in Asia, and the role of governments and the private sector in incentivising secure supply chains. We also discuss the complex issue of job losses in the fossil fuel industry as the world transitions to renewables and the potential of clean energy to offset these losses, and GWECs APAC Wind Energy Summit

Liming has been working on climate and energy policy since 2003. She has worked with major industry and institutional stakeholders active in Southeast Asia in the renewable energy sector, which is advancing wind energy policy across the region. She’s also worked with other international organisations and has participated in climate negotiations as an observer for several years.

LinkedIn: Liming Qiao
X (Twitter): @GWECGlobalWind

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