Fossil Fuel

Hydrogen Oil: Green vs Blue, What’s the Difference?

Hydrogen energy is significantly more efficient than fossil fuels. Even more importantly it can be produced in a sustainable way and is considered a "renewable energy" source. Unfortunately, this is not true for all types of hydrogen energy and largely depends on how it is produced.

Best Ammonia Stocks of 2024

The green ammonia market is growing, with a rapid expansion predicted before 2030. This gives rise to a range of stock choices that investors can use to capitalise on the market and support the energy transition.

Environmental Issues in the Philippines and New LNG Projects

The fossil gas expansion in the Philippines, mainly fueled by SMC, is taking place amid the worsening climate and energy crisis. The move risks burdening the nation with high energy costs, unreliable supply, stranded asset risk, increased energy dependency and a devastating impact on the environment.

Hydrogen Uses in Everyday Life

While hydrogen is a potential renewable energy option, adoption remains relatively low, and costs remain high. Will innovation drive costs down and see hydrogen use spike?

Top 10 Oil And Gas Companies In Singapore [2024]

Oil and gas companies have long been a significant economic pillar in Singapore's economy. The country is the major thoroughfare and hub of fossil fuels in Asia. Most of the largest international fossil fuel companies have offices in Singapore, but there are also several major local companies. How will these businesses fare now that the energy transition is underway?

Are Carbon Emissions Decreasing?

The IEA finds that emissions are seeing a structural slowdown thanks to growing clean energy deployment. However, emissions are still rising, and the agency identifies developing Asia as the primary contributor to the persistently high CO2 emissions.

False Solutions to Climate Change Promoted in Southeast Asia Pose Various Risks

Instead of helping Southeast Asia wean itself off fossil fuels, ammonia-hydrogen co-firing solutions and CCS risk perpetuating their use and locking climate-vulnerable countries into a future of high emissions, air pollution and ecosystem disruption.

Low-carbon Hydrogen Is Dangerous: But Why?

Low-carbon hydrogen – made from natural gas with carbon capture and sequestration – is being pushed by fossil fuel companies and governments as necessary for the energy transition. Japan and South Korea have placed hydrogen, including low-carbon hydrogen, in the centre of their net-zero plans. However, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) has found that low-carbon hydrogen could be up to 50% worse for the climate than traditional fossil fuels.

Flood Risk In Asia

Without urgent and deep emissions cuts, scientists warn that Asia will experience a substantial increase in projected rainfall and flood risk. However, these projections aren’t just a distant scenario but a harsh reality for many Asians today.

Will Indonesia’s New Government Support the Energy Transition?

Energy Insights speaks with Afu Utami on the Indonesian presidential election and the new government's energy policy and voters thoughts.

The Impact on Japan as President Biden Halts LNG Exports From New Plants

While President Biden’s decision doesn’t threaten energy security and short-term deliveries, it is yet another nail in the coffin of the theory that natural gas is the reliable “bridge fuel” the world needs.

Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook 2024: In Light of the JETP

Whoever holds power after Indonesia’s February elections has a chance to alter the country's future. Projects, like increased coal and gas capacity and expensive, untested technologies, should remain on paper, while solar and wind must become the priority.

Azerbaijan to Host COP29 in 2024: What to Expect

The initial signs are that COP29 might be yet another conference where fossil fuel producers act in concert to stall global progress. However, Azerbaijan has the unique opportunity to do what no previous conference host has: increase financing for the most vulnerable ones to the needed levels, accelerate the phaseout of coal and urge for more ambitious emissions reduction targets.

How COP28 Failed to Deliver on the Climate Crisis

Despite all the efforts to paint COP28's final text as a success, the result of the conference is a vague and non-binding agreement allowing the fossil fuel lobby to continue doing business as usual. All that while frontline communities stand at risk due to the climate crisis.

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