
Is Steel Bad For The Environment? A Look At Nippon Steel

The vast majority of Japanese steel is produced with coal blast furnaces. This does not align with domestic or international decarbonisation goals. As the market leader of Japan's steel industry, Nippon Steel needs to reassess its decarbonisation strategy. It currently falls short with ongoing coal investments and reliance on untested low-carbon production technology.

Japan’s Offshore Wind Revolution

Surrounded by windy oceans, Japan has tremendous offshore wind potential. For Japan to reach its 2040 offshore wind target, it would need 22,500 wind farms the size of Goto City’s. If the amendments in parliament are passed, Japanese wind manufacturers can export their technology to wind markets abroad. In that case, Japan will have no reason to continue its false solutions of ammonia co-firing and fossil fuel investments.

Japan’s Steel Industry: A Laggard For Decarbonisation

Japan's steel industry is one of the country's largest economic powerhouses, significantly influencing the global steel market. However, the industry's decarbonisation goals fail to align with the country's targets, which are already considered inadequate compared to its peers. A reassessment of the industry's goals and associated policies is necessary.

Environmental Pollution in Japan – Impacts and Future

Pollution is a global issue that all countries are working to tackle, and Japan is no different. Japan has a long history of pollution-related health impacts and subsequent regulatory reforms. However, ongoing pollution is still a significant concern that needs to be addressed.

Japanese Banks Pour Billions Into Fossil Fuel Industry

Analysts warn that the continued fossil fuel support from the Japanese financial industry, showcased by the actions of various banks, insurance companies, asset owners and asset managers, is enabled by loose policies or loopholes. Fixing them is critical for addressing the climate crisis.

Fossil Fuels Dominate Japan Energy Sources

Japan sources the overwhelming majority of its energy and electricity from fossil fuels. However, the country's domestic fossil fuel reserves are minimal. As a result, Japan imports most of its energy, placing its energy security in a precarious position.

The Environmental and Climate Impacts of False Solutions on Japan

Japan is the leading proponent of the mass adoption of ammonia co-firing and CCS technologies for power generation domestically and across Asia. However, scientists warn that such steps will not only fail to reduce emissions but could also result in adverse impacts, including air pollution, water contamination and ecosystem degradation.

Solar Energy in Japan: Room For Growth

Solar energy is Japan's most used renewable energy source, yet it still makes up a small portion of its total energy mix. This will need to dramatically increase for Japan to stay aligned with its renewable energy and decarbonisation goals.

Renewable Energy Companies in Japan Are Crucial For Decarbonisation

Japan's renewable energy sector is slowly growing, with some of the country's largest energy developers beginning to invest heavily in low-carbon solutions. The government must encourage these companies to target true renewables, like offshore wind and solar rather than untested "clean" fossil fuel technologies.

Environmental Issues in Japan and Solutions

Japan is particularly susceptible to climate change impacts as an island nation that straddles climate regions. However, its emissions targets are relatively new, and there is little progress to show towards them. This is exacerbating several existing environmental impacts within the country.

False Solutions to Climate Change Promoted in Southeast Asia Pose Various Risks

Instead of helping Southeast Asia wean itself off fossil fuels, ammonia-hydrogen co-firing solutions and CCS risk perpetuating their use and locking climate-vulnerable countries into a future of high emissions, air pollution and ecosystem disruption.

LNG Demand Decline in Japan To Cause Oversupply Through 2030

Considering the economic, environmental and energy security arguments, investing in new LNG capacity to accommodate the oversupply of Japan’s utilities instead of clean energy is a short-sighted, strategic misstep for developing Asia.

The Impact on Japan as President Biden Halts LNG Exports From New Plants

While President Biden’s decision doesn’t threaten energy security and short-term deliveries, it is yet another nail in the coffin of the theory that natural gas is the reliable “bridge fuel” the world needs.

Japanese Automakers’ EV Plans Under the Spotlight

Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda has used a dip in global EV sales to justify his anti-EV stance. However, there's more behind the scenes. The legendary car maker has fallen behind its global EV rivals and is challenged by environmental groups for negatively influencing Paris-aligned climate policy.

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