Fossil Fuel
The Pros and Cons of Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen energy has many pros. It can be made sustainably with few emissions. However, it has several significant cons, like high production costs and a lack of infrastructure. If the world can provide more financial and political support for the technology, it will play a major role in the global energy transition.
Coal Price Forecast 2023 and Outlook
The latest coal price forecasts suggest that the fossil fuel is losing momentum after gaining traction over the past two years. What factors are at play and what might coal usage look like in 2023?
India-Australia Free Trade Agreement’s True Impact on India’s Coal Imports
With the India-Australia bilateral trade agreement (IAFTA) coming into force, will coal from Australia really be 2.5% cheaper and entice India to up its imports?
The Impacts Of the Electricity Price Increase On Asian Countries
While the electricity price hikes across developing and developed Asian nations started in 2022, they are expected to extend into 2023. This risks impeding economic growth, fueling inflation and affecting the poorest the most. On the bright side, it is the perfect moment for a long-needed energy system overhaul.
Big Oil Stalled Climate Action: What Now?
Big oil companies has known about climate change since at least the 1980s. Yet, it hasn't changed its business practices. Instead, it has worked to keep the knowledge secret and continued to promote fossil fuel use. Now, the world is suffering the consequences of long-term greenhouse gas production, and fossil fuel companies are generating record profits.
UAE Names Oil Chief as COP28 President: What to Expect
COP28 promises to be a historic conference where leaders can ensure that either the 1.5°C target will live to fight another day or become entirely out of reach. The dilemma will be decided at a conference chaired by an oil boss held in one of the leading oil-exporting countries. And while many analysts are sceptical, the UAE is uniquely positioned to use its influence to aid the energy transition.
Facts About Gas Create A Divide In Its Future
Natural gas continues to be the centre of a global debate. Can it be a viable transition fuel? It is a flexible fuel that produces less carbon dioxide than coal and oil. However, it consists of methane and is not renewable. Understanding the facts about natural gas is critical in untangling this debate.
The Global Cooksafe Coalition and the Mission to Accelerate the Switch From Gas to Sustainable Cooking
Cooking with gas is associated with health, climate and financial concerns. The mission of the Global Cooksafe Coalition is to help households worldwide overcome them by transitioning to electric and induction cooking.
Upcoming LNG Projects in Asia: The Outlook for 2023 and Beyond
Developing Asian countries have felt the financially-devastating consequences of relying on natural gas. Yet, they are planning for a massive buildout of LNG terminals – a move that will lock them in a future of stranded assets, high power costs and energy independence.
Debunking Japan’s ‘Clean Coal Technology’ Claim
Japan's clean coal ambitions have been criticised as another attempt to stall the country's clean energy transition and keep coal afloat.
LNG’s Stranded Asset Risk in Asia: Warnings, Project Delays and Cancellations
Gas prices are projected to remain high for the next couple of years, while available volumes are to remain scarce. As a result, bringing new LNG projects online in Asia won’t get any easier and more delays and cancellations are potentially waiting around the corner.
Unaffordable Fuel Prices Stall Asia’s LNG Expansion
As high gas prices rock global markets, Asia is facing a permanent contraction in demand for LNG and looking toward other energy sources. Several LNG facilities across Asia could go underused or risk cancellation.
The Future of Renewable Energy Looks Brighter than Ever
IEA's Renewables 2022 report revealed that the world is planning for massive clean energy capacity expansion. The findings are even more ambitious than the agency's last year report.
Is Biofuel Renewable? The Ongoing Debate
Biofuels are made from organic matter, which is either directly farmed for biofuel production or collected from biomass waste. This makes biofuels renewable. Additionally, plant growth and combustion are carbon neutral. However, biofuel production requires many outside inputs that release carbon dioxide and impact the environment. Will biofuels play an important role in the world's energy transition?
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