
Can Australia Finally Tackle Climate Change?

Australia's relationship with climate change action has been a complicated story. However, the conversation is shifting from Australia's lagging progress to one of the countries potentially becoming a clean energy superpower.

Using Transition Bonds For Ammonia and Blue Hydrogen Projects: The Risks For Investors and the Issuing Companies

Using transition bonds to fund blue hydrogen and ammonia projects risks extending the climate crisis. But, more importantly, it tarnishes the idea of climate financing at a time when it is needed the most.

COP27 Egypt and the Road to Net-Zero

COP27 shouldn't be yet another conference where promises are broken without consequences. Instead, it should be the stage where global leaders start making actual progress in protecting the most vulnerable to climate change.

Is Natural Gas Renewable?

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that has been created in the Earth's crust over millions of years. It is cleaner than coal and oil but primarily consists of methane, which is a greenhouse gas far more potent for global warming than carbon dioxide. Investing in natural gas is not a viable long-term alternative to other fossil fuels. Yet, it can act as a "transition" fuel to bridge the energy gap to renewables in the short term.

Fossil Fuel Advertising Ban: The Cities Taking the Lead

Cities are coming together on fossil fuel advertising bans globally in an effort to promote decarbonisation and discourage greenwashing.

Climate Displacement in Asia Has Begun

Asia's climate displacement is already underway as extreme weather events from climate change affect the region. A swift response is a must.

COP27 Priorities: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Mitigation is critical to minimise the risk of climate change's worst impacts, but failing to fund adaptation will take a toll on the most vulnerable. Both aspects should be priorities for COP27.

Hydropower in Indian Himalayas: A Ticking Time Bomb

Hydropower in the Himalayas is a significant source of clean energy in India. Yet, large tracts of the region are unsuitable for industrial projects due to geological instability, climate change impacts on water sources and now more frequent extreme weather events.

A Push For Loss and Damage Finance at COP27

Loss and damage severely threaten the human rights of affected people, communities and future generations in vulnerable countries. Loss and damage is a climate justice issue. It is causing unprecedented human suffering around the world. This is a strong enough reason for developed countries to act, and COP27 will be the best stage to bring this to the forefront.

Worst Companies for the Environment: Holding the Renewable Energy Transition Back

The companies with the most extensive resources are often the biggest climate laggards. Realising the difference they can make and starting to support the global clean energy transition would be massively beneficial for their own good and the future of everyone else.

Breakthrough Agenda Report Signals Risks to Clean Technology

The first annual Breakthrough Agenda Report indicates that the current progress towards the agenda's goals is lacking. Each of the five main emitting sectors has significant progress to make, particularly in the adoption of clean energy technologies. Hopefully, the report will be a wake-up call to world leaders and will facilitate meaningful climate adaptation discussions at COP27.

Climate Change Impacts Are Worsening in 2022 and COP27 and G20 Leaders Need to Respond

A new study reveals the massive proportion of climate disasters all across the world, proving that no country is safe from climate change's impacts. Climate financing for mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage should be central to the COP27 and G20 meeting agendas later this year.

Climate Change in Japan: The Role of Japanese Companies

Japanese companies can be a real driving force in the country’s decarbonisation journey. The government, on the other hand, has to set more ambitious targets. Only by working together can the state and the private sector accelerate Japan's net-zero transition.

UN General Assembly 77 (UNGA 2022) Convenes After Pakistan Flooding

The UN General Assembly 77 comes at a time when climate impacts are at the forefront of the global agenda. From the climate-related disasters in Pakistan to soaring fossil fuel costs, the stage is set for countries to discuss some of the major climate issues that remain unresolved after COP26. This includes the lack of climate funding for developing countries and the growing economic cost of inaction.

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