Op-Ed: Southeast Asia at a Climate Crossroads – Will 1.5°C Be the Road Not Taken?
Southeast Asia (SEA) is a region at a crossroads. The challenge of reshaping Southeast Asia’s power is at hand. It can be won by communities, civil society, and all within and without Southeast Asia rallying behind the fight for 1.5°C at COP 28 and beyond.
Op-Ed: Gulf Coast Communities Speak Out Against Japanese-backed LNG Development
The Japanese government announced plans with South Korea to develop a joint ammonia/hydrogen supply network supported by public finance. Co-firing of ammonia at coal power plants and hydrogen at gas plants would prolong the use of fossil fuels and delay the transition to renewable energy in Asia, and communities bear the brunt of the suffering.
Op-Ed: Implementing Indonesia’s JETP Plan Requires Prioritisation, Processes and Transparency
Indonesia recently released its Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP), which aims to codify its JETP-related green transition policy and investment needs in one place. The CIPP is a significant step in detailing the country’s decarbonisation goals and path to achievement. Yet, examining its contents objectively and identifying necessary actions to guarantee decarbonisation and economic prosperity is important.
Op-Ed: Seizing Green Job Opportunities Through Climate Policy and Education Transformation
Since the Paris Agreement at COP 21, the World Economic Forum stated that the increasing number of green jobs has not been followed by increased human resource capacity that can keep up with emerging new jobs in the green sector. With Indonesia's upcoming elections set to take place in 2024, will politicians try to win the votes of young voters with a more robust framework for green jobs?
Australia’s CCS Expansion Poses More Risks
Australia is encouraging oil and gas companies to create CCS ventures; they are also paying them to do so with the issue of Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) backed by the Australian government. The addition of CCS will lead to a net increase in GHG emissions, putting the world at risk of failing to meet CO2 reduction targets consistent with the Paris Climate Agreement’s aim of keeping the rise in global average temperatures to 1.5°C.
Tech Supply Chain Decarbonisation and Apple’s New Commitments – Podcast
The Energy Insights podcast speaks with Katrin Wu at Greenpeace East Asia about supply chain decarbonisation in the technology industry.
Why LNG in the Philippines Is More of a Problem Than a Solution
The Philippines’ LNG import ambitions could increase its dependence on one of the most expensive fuels available, according to Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). The country is focusing on Batangas for many of its LNG developments. New LNG terminals mean more vessels passing, docking and unloading along the coast, threatening marine ecosystems and affecting the livelihoods of communities who depend on it.
Solar Energy in Malaysia: A Bright Future or Dim Prospect?
Malaysia's renewable energy targets heavily rely on expanding its solar energy capacity. Meanwhile, the country is ideally located for large-scale solar adoption. However, government policies still need improvement, and significantly more investment is required to facilitate this transition.
A Bumpy Road Ahead for Malaysia’s Net-zero 2050 Ambitions
With diminishing oil and gas resources, costly fossil fuel subsidies and rising sea levels and temperatures, the pressure is on for Malaysia to pursue its net-zero targets.
Natural Gas Rules in the Philippines Ignore High Costs and Economic Consequences [Op-Ed]
The Philippines' Department of Energy’s draft proposes electric utilities procure an unspecified share of gas and LNG power. While some gas may be needed to operate its existing fleet, an expansion of LNG is not aligned with energy security and affordability goals.
Why K-pop Fans Are Taking on the World of Luxury Fashion
The issue of climate commitments in the luxury fashion industry is complex, as there are significant gaps in data available - with many luxury brands not disclosing their global supply chains, making it impossible to see the full scale of the issue. Luxury fashion houses have the power, social capital and assets to make meaningful climate commitments. For change to occur in the world of luxury fashion, it will have to start from the top.
Tata Power: Pioneering India’s Sustainable Energy Future
As one of the world's fastest-growing economies, India must take a leading role in embracing clean energy solutions to ensure a healthier future for its citizens and the planet. India’s energy transition requires mobilising significant financing from global capital providers, and Tata Power offers cues into how to do that effectively.
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