
Cost of Indonesia’s Downstream Coal Projects Underestimated: IEEFA

The costs of Indonesia's coal projects and coal gasification projects remain marred with government subsidies that distort actual costs.

South Korea Needs Leadership and Unity to Tackle Climate Change

South Korean president-elect Yoon Suk-yeol's climate change and clean energy policies leave much to be desired despite net-zero pledges.

Canon Backed Think Tank CIGS Spreads Climate Change Denial

Canon cameras, used by climate change, conservation and wildlife communicators is now linked to a climate denial think tank - CIGS.

How Gender and Energy Access Connect Together

It is forecasted that by 2030 the number of people without electricity could increase by 35 million to 660 million compared to earlier estimations. This threatens to slow down efforts towards gender equality. In this context, progress in the clean energy sector helps reduce poverty and fosters female empowerment.

Amazon Deforestation: The Cut The Fashion Industry Doesn’t Want You To See

Leather from the Amazon deforestation doesn’t look good on anyone, and brands have nowhere to hide.

Case Study: Tsingshan Industrial Parks in Indonesia Post-China’s Coal Pledge

In light of the no-coal-power-overseas pledge by China’s President Xi Jinping and Indonesia’s commitment to no new coal power in the recent COP26, the industrial parks fueled by captive coal power in Indonesia, developed by China, face challenges and their future is dotted with question marks.

The Spotlight on the Asia-Pacific’s Energy Transitioning to Net-Zero Emissions

Clean energy executive, analyst, and author Joseph Jacobelli argues that the Asia Pacific region has unique features when it comes to the electricity transition to Net Zero Emissions (NTZ). He thinks that the shift from polluting fossil fuels to green and sustainable energy sources will be the biggest in the world, that capital spending will eclipse all other regions, and that some power markets will lead while others will lag.

Solar Homes: The ‘Mini Power Stations’ Popping Up Across India

The prospect of solar was first discussed in 1961-66 signifying India’s consciousness for reducing carbon footprint. Since then a total of 60 cities have been selected across the country for solarisation with the primary objective of decreasing the projected demand of conventional energy and motivating local governments to adopt renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures.

COP26: The Glasgow Climate Pact Has Been Adopted

China, India, EU, US undermine global fossil-fuel phaseout pledge, as rich nations refuse climate crisis support for poorest.

COP26 – With No Financing to Go Around, Cancelling All New Coal Power Plant is a Practical Move for Host Countries

China’s recent pledge solidifies a global financial trend away from coal, as several private and governmental institutions, most notably from Japan and South Korea followed by all G20 countries, have made similar announcements. Recent announcements at the COP26 climate talks from national governments also raises questions about the future of new coal plants. With several countries pledging to phase-out coal in 2040 – or the equivalent conditional on financial support – building new coal capacity will be incompatible with these carbon neutral pledges and other climate commitments.

COP26: Clean Energy Finally Ready To Break Through

As decarbonisation accelerates the world over, clean energy is taking centre stage. Since the Paris Agreement, the rate of growth for solar and wind capacity has increased every year. Dramatic cost reductions have rewired the economics of electricity. Renewables are entering a golden age. Seizing the opportunities they provide, including cheap, robust and secure energy for all, will be crucial over the coming decade.

COP26: Glasgow Marks The Beginning Of The End Of Coal

At the COP26 in Glasgow, President Alok Sharma declared, “we finally kicked coal in the past where it belongs,” underlining deals to end international coal financing and phase out coal power.

A Close Look at China’s Five Year Plan for Coal (2021-2025)

Coal power is the anchor energy in the country, supplying around 70% of the electricity, also contributing roughly 43% of the country’s CO2 emissions. China has made promises in recent years to limit its coal power growth. But the world is still nervously guessing - how much coal power will be added to China’s domestic fleet before 2025?

Why Clean Cooking Is Not Always Climate Friendly

From a climate perspective clean cooking technologies that are currently being pushed are not always climate friendly with a reliance on LPG.

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