Clean Energy Financing

Using Transition Bonds For Ammonia and Blue Hydrogen Projects: The Risks For Investors and the Issuing Companies

Using transition bonds to fund blue hydrogen and ammonia projects risks extending the climate crisis. But, more importantly, it tarnishes the idea of climate financing at a time when it is needed the most.

COP27 Egypt and the Road to Net-Zero

COP27 shouldn't be yet another conference where promises are broken without consequences. Instead, it should be the stage where global leaders start making actual progress in protecting the most vulnerable to climate change.

COP27 Priorities: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Mitigation is critical to minimise the risk of climate change's worst impacts, but failing to fund adaptation will take a toll on the most vulnerable. Both aspects should be priorities for COP27.

Climate Change Impacts Are Worsening in 2022 and COP27 and G20 Leaders Need to Respond

A new study reveals the massive proportion of climate disasters all across the world, proving that no country is safe from climate change's impacts. Climate financing for mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage should be central to the COP27 and G20 meeting agendas later this year.

Green Bonds: Sustainable Financing Tools or a Greenwashing Weapon?

In a bid to reduce greenwashing possibilities, the EU now requires increased transparency and strict reporting for sustainable bonds. However, the rest of the world is still dragging its feet, leaving the door open for greenwashing on both state and corporate levels.

MHI First Transition Bond Program – All You Need to Know

Instead of the innovative green financing mechanism they were supposed to be, transition bonds have become the perfect tool for greenwashing. MHI's first transition bonds program can either accelerate the company's net-zero efforts or further distance it from carbon neutrality. The key is in MHI's hands.

The Cost of Sustainability for Asia is Lower than the Benefits

As one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change, Asia has virtually nothing to lose from the looming energy transition. While investments are needed, the cost of sustainability is negligible compared to what the continent stands to gain.

The Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy for Asia: Crunching the Numbers

The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy in Asia will unleash massive economic benefits, including expanding the job market, ensuring steady GDP gains and hedging the unpredictable fossil fuel prices.

Importance of Climate Finance and Climate Change to Strengthen Global Solidarity

Analysts are clear: climate financing is insufficient and unevenly distributed. Developing Asian countries, especially those in the south, have to be the most concerned, considering they are the most vulnerable to climate crisis impacts.

The ARE Banking Report – How the Banks That Have Financed Emissions Can Change

Climate change will hit Asia the hardest, so local banks should act with urgency. However, Asian banks are lacking when it comes to their decision-making and sustainability policies.

The IMF’s Role: Economic Impacts of Climate Change on The Global Economy

Can the IMF create and implement economic policies to help countries through climate impacts?

Is “Greenflation” behind Higher Global Energy Prices?

Greenflation is a real risk on the mind of many renewable energy experts and rising commodity prices could increase the cost of the energy transition.

Energy Transition Fund – Capitalising on Renewable Energy

The global change to renewable energy has largely been financed by governments and public institutions but the energy transition cannot be fully funded by governments. There is significant room for the private sector to become more involved.

The Role of the Asian Development Bank in Southeast Asia’s Energy Transition

To ensure a seamless and successful energy transition, ASEAN countries should actively pursue public funding, regional cooperation and energy market redesign. How is the Asian Development Bank aiding the transition to clean energy?

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